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The all-in-one solution for managing corporate mobility

Easily connect to and manage any mobility service!
Implement a flexible and sustainable mobility policy with no administrative burden.

Bring your corporate mobility to the next level

Corporate mobility requires increasing flexibility. So we've built a complete yet easy-to-use platform that enables you to integrate relevant mobility options to your mobility policy.

Automated and centralised management

Save hours on repetitive HR admin tasks while digitalising your mobility management.

Wide range of mobility providers

Give access to any mobility provider compliant with your own mobility strategy while reducing costs. Stop fixed annual subscriptions costs.

Secured solution

Trust our robust Skipr solution based on strict technical, legal and corporate standards.

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The HR manager experience

Adressing the complete cycle of mobility management: from the budget definition, to the control of expenses and the production of reports. We start from your very own corporate mobility policy and we take over all the operations linked to managing mobility services and subscriptions.

Management plaform

Manage and set (multi-) budgets for your employees: 

legal Mobility Budget, commute budget, Flex Income Plan
Centralise employee policies and allow expense reconciliation:
get one single place for admin simplification and control


Track progress towards regulation compliance. Get CO2 and tax reports

HR tool connections

Automate flows between your social secretary, your HR ERP, and each of your mobility providers


Access our management tools via a web interface or directly integrated into your company's systems.  Allowing you to manage one or more different legal entities.

The employee experience

The freedom of choice among multiple options with the means of the most user-friendly tools

Mobility Payment card

Thanks to a debit Mastercard, access all mobility anywhere in Europe for all mobility services from suppliers authorised by your company.

Mobile App

Consult your budget, plan & pay your trip with the app.
An intuitive interface to facilitate mobility for employees.

Benefiting both your company and its employees


For your company

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Reduce the administrative burden in the processing mobility expenses and save costs thanks to a centralised digital solution.
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Open the world to a large flexible mobility offer for all employees.
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Set forth with a transition to a more sustainable mobility policy, and so significantly reduce your company’s CO2 emissions.
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Retain and attract young talents with an innovative mobility package adapted to your employees’ new needs.
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Improve employee well-being.
Hr manager

For your employees

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Access a wider and more flexible mobility offer in line with the expectations of young employees.
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Easily provide a tax-attractive mobility budget.
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Ensure a safe return to work with a large range of available options.
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Pave the way for an ecological transition with your employees and promote green and active mobility.
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Optimize the salary package of your employees